Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August Monthly Post

We're down to the final weeks of our Summer Reading program, but there's still time to earn points in your reading logs to spend on points! The Summer Reading prize store opens bright and early at 10:00 am on August 7th - prizes are first come, first serve. The prize store will remain open until September 1st. We still have programs happening this month, and don't forget to keep an eye out for invites to the end of summer Kiwanis Ice Cream Party if you've picked up a reading log!

Look below for our monthly calendar, and be sure to click on the "Calendar" tab on our website to register and see all of the programs that the Clifton Library has to offer - registration opens two weeks before the date of each program.

Be sure to contact the children's department if you have any questions, and to keep an eye on our website for any updates regarding programs.

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Summer Reading Wrap-up 2024

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