Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Chasing Rainbows Craft

 Spring has sprung and after that chilly rainstorm, look for a beautiful rainbow in the sky or make your own colorful rainbow at home:

 Students will treasure this colorful craft. To make a rainbow, print out the rainbow-shaped template. Trace the pattern twice onto white paper. Using tempera paints in assorted rainbow colors, create two matching rainbows by painting each shape the same. (Students can color the template instead of painting it.) When the paint has dried, cut out the shapes and position the cutouts side by side, painted sides down. Glue several crepe-paper streamers to the ends of each rainbow; then flip over one cutout and align it atop the other so the painted surfaces are to the outside. Staple the cutouts together, leaving a generous opening at the top; then carefully tuck a desired amount of crumpled newspaper strips in the opening. When the project is sufficiently stuffed, staple the opening closed. Pull apart several cotton balls (or use polyester batting) and glue fluffy clouds at the ends of the rainbow. Suspend the rainbow from monofilament line and watch it dance and twirl in the springtime breezes

Craft courtesy of The Mailbox Plus: The Mailbox Plus Rainbow Craft

-Miss Kaitlin 

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Chasing Rainbows Craft

 Spring has sprung and after that chilly rainstorm, look for a beautiful rainbow in the sky or make your own colorful rainbow at home:  Stud...